Top 5 Points To Consider While Choosing A Contract Manufacturing Partner For Your IoT Solutions

by | Jan 27, 2023

The manufacturing process in every business involves a series of steps, from procurement of goods to launching the final product. The same goes for businesses that sell IoT devices. The quality standards of the manufacturing industry play a vital role in the entire process. Businesses often need help to focus on quality management while concentrating on other goals centering around their core competencies. The good part is that you can simplify the production process by adopting outsourced manufacturing, due to which contract manufacturing companies are popular.

Why Outsource To A Contract Manufacturer?

Experts estimate that the global IoT market in the manufacturing industry, which was at USD 221.18 billion in 2019, will grow to USD 575.36 billion by 2025 as the outsourcing demand increases over time. It is because of the benefits of contract manufacturing, as detailed below.

  • Producing quality goods:

    A contract manufacturer is skilled in producing high-quality components with tight tolerances as required for IoT devices. Additionally, the products are of high safety and compliance standards. It happens because the manufacturer team has special capabilities solely dedicated to production.

  • Reduction in manufacturing costs:

    If not hiring a contract manufacturer, your company must invest a substantial amount in procuring the equipment needed for in-house manufacturing of the required components. Your company can also save on labor costs and overhead expenses, including the training cost of the resources and the infrastructure.

  • On-time delivery:

    Outsourcing the production can ensure a quick turnaround time for the delivery of the products. On the contrary, handling the production within your company can pose the risk of delaying the timeline due to any possible setbacks in other areas of your business.

  • Resource optimization:

    By hiring a contract manufacturer for production, your company can limit its resources to other functions and manage with a reduced workforce. It is because contract manufacturing operations (CMO) handles all the challenges that arise in the manufacturing division, including the operation of the machinery, planning the design, making changes in design as and when required, improving the quality, and more. All the resources that go into these tasks are freed from your supply chain.

  • Scalability:

    When taking up in-house production, companies, especially start-ups and small-scale businesses, may find it expensive to scale the production as per the fluctuating market demand. Outsourcing contract manufacturing operations can help industries manage production scalability more efficiently.

Factors to consider when choosing contract manufacturers

Factors To Consider When Choosing Contract Manufacturers

As much as outsourcing the manufacture of IoT-connected devices sounds beneficial, the same task can only be convenient if the potential partner provides good services. While outsourcing, companies should choose the right manufacturer for their production needs. Many factors play a role in choosing the right manufacturing partner for your IoT devices. Some of them are listed here.

  1. Technical capabilities and product quality:

    Your potential contract manufacturer’s skill and technical capabilities to deliver the end products should be your primary reason for outsourcing the task. Therefore, these skills form the foremost and the most important criterion to check before partnering. You can check for the manufacturing company’s record, which tells you its experience in the field, the clients it serviced in the past, and how well its services have benefitted the clients.

    Also, by checking the samples of electronic components that the contract manufacturer has produced earlier, IoT businesses can know the quality of the services and the accuracy of the manufactured parts. As a business head, you can partner with the manufacturer only if you find the product sample satisfactory.

  2. Credibility:

    Credibility is another crucial criterion in choosing your manufacturing partner. Credibility is evaluated in terms of three aspects.

    • Certifications:

      Professional and capable contract manufacturers carry something in common: certification from the appropriate board asserting their quality standards and regulatory compliance. They also carry industry-specific certifications that ascertain their technical competence. The quality certifications are a good indicator of your vendor’s credibility along with their level of expertise.

    • Financial stability:

      Evaluate if your contract manufacturing partner has the financial stability to work with you throughout the contract and deliver the required components. Check the reviews from the clients they serviced to let you know their credibility.

    • Confidentiality:

      Yet another aspect of the credibility of the manufacturing partner lies in the mutual consent to maintain the confidentiality of the respective business workflows.

  3. Flexibility in the manufacturing process:

    One of the advantages of hiring contract manufacturers is their scalability. For instance, you may agree upon a certain quantity of the products to be manufactured, but there is an unexpected increase or decrease in the market demand for those products. If your contract manufacturer does not have the flexibility to match your requirement, you may have to rethink your choice.

  4. Good communication:

    Regular open communication is a key to achieving great results in teamwork. Evaluate if your potential partner has a specialized internal team with a dedicated project manager who communicates with you regarding the contract updates and implements your feedback well.

  5. Physical location:

    It is convenient to partner with a contract manufacturing company close to your business to reduce the hassle of transporting the components.

Finally, The Best Contract Manufacturers For Your IoT Solutions Are Here

Violin Technologies is among India’s best electrical contract manufacturing companies with ISO 9001:2015 certification. Their manufacturing capabilities include wire harnesses, cable assemblies, electromagnetic assemblies, precision machined components, and sheet metal and stamped parts. They manufacture and produce components of the best quality and at reasonable costs and focus on helping companies to achieve their goals.

You can trust Violin Technologies to be your best contract manufacturing partner who provides you with a rich customer experience. This manufacturer also offers other services, including engineering staffing, reverse logistics and sourcing, and vendor consolidation to streamline your supply chain. They serve various industries, including defense, transportation, software, the medical industry, railways, telecom, and more. Contact them today to avail the most reliable services at the best pricing.

Priyamvada |author


About the Author

Priyamvada B admires Nature, loves painting and takes interest in poems and short stories. She has a Masters Degree in English literature and a Bachelor’s degree in Science. She loves learning new things and solving puzzles based on logic. While she has a flair for creative writing, she is also good at researching valuable information and presenting it to the readers in the form of technical content writing.